The Settlers Wiki
Alandra has a strong faith and prides herself on her medical knowledge.
Vital statistics
Gender Female
Occupation Knight
Religious healer
Hometown Westerlin
Game The Settlers: Rise of an Empire
Voiced By Anna Ułas (Polish)

Lady Alandra is respected for her skills with medicines. Her herbal tinctures can heal bad wounds, and she is so proficient in the art of healing that she can mend broken legs. In a crisis, she does not hesitate to draw her sword and take whatever action necessary. She rides a brown horse with plate armour and silk cloth.

Alandra is descended from a long line of paladins, scholars, and mystics. As a child, she used to listen spellbound to the wondrous tales of chivalry and deeds of valor performed by the knights, and from an early age she strived towards the goal of knighthood, becoming strong of sword arm and of will. She developed into a young woman of rash and impatient nature, tending to solve problems with her sword rather than waiting patiently for things to sort themselves out although she also prefers to handle things peacefully and with minimal force.

The older she grows, the more courage and strength she shows in battle. However, she is particularly respected for her skills with medicines. Her herbal tinctures can heal even bad wounds, and she is so proficient in the art of healing that she can join broken legs. In a crisis, she does whatever is necessary, without any hesitation. She is easily disgusted by self-proclaimed rulers seizing power and harmful acts against the Settler population.

Because of all this, Alandra is held in high esteem by all the settlers. However, they do not feel the same adoration for her that they feel for Marcus. This may be due to the fact that she is often so direct that she appears to be arrogant or know-it-all. She believes herself more experienced than Marcus.

When she gives someone a remedy, she has a tendency to give the sick person a lecture about looking after himself better. Deep down inside she believes that her knighthood elevates her above the farmers and workers, and does not like it at all if they do not do her bidding immediately.

Yet it is only the loneliness which accompanies heavy responsibility that makes Alandra appear so hard at times.

Alandra subordinates herself to the goals she has set herself in life, as she wants to set a shining example to all. She is on respectful terms with Marcus, but feels that he needs to shed his rough exterior to become a stately knight (Marcus, on the other hand, often feels intimidated by Alandra, as do many settlers).

She strives incessantly to uphold right and honor, and is convinced that all the problems in the world arise from the fact that not everyone does the same. She has dedicated her life to the path the gods have chosen for her and the good of the empire.

  • Passive ability: Collection after sermon increases.
  • Active ability: Can heal ill Settlers.

Role in "Rise of an Empire"[]

As the monarch protects Vestholm's trade routes from bandits, she is concerned why the carts travelled all the way from Challia without guards to escort them.

When the monarch turns attention to Gallos, she reveals that the bishop in the chapel of Rhian is an old friend of hers. When Kestral joins the circle of knights, she expresses distaste in the mercenary commander's thirst for conquest.
